PORFIRIO Sound installation for gramophone Porfirio Diaz was president of Mexico from 1877 until he was overthrown in 1911 by Francisco Mader with the help of the United States of America. With this act (performnace), the United States of America became the world’s police and began its campaign to overthrow tyrants around the world. Porfirio is a sound installation that uses the speech (adapted for the historical moment of the Mexican Revolution) delivered by George W Bush on 5 October 2002 warning of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein’s regime to the interests of the United States. It uses excerpts of the microtonal music of Mexican composer Julian Carillo (1875- 1965).
Jun Nal Ye and his journey to the underworld AR animation Jun Nal Ye is a sculpture made of transgenic corn dough formed into a Mickey Mouse fetus with an AR animation. In Mayan-Quiche cosmology (entitled Popol Vuh) humans were made out of corn dough, as corn was native to their land. The New Corn Born metaphorically rewrites the Mayan myth while calling attention to the serious environmental and social impact of Monsanto corn. Transgenic corn was introduced by the company Monsanto, founded in the USA. (It is now the German company Bayer-Monsanto). The transmutation of a human fetus into a Mickey Mouse fetus to draw attention of the hazards of genetically engineered, poison corn, which has had catastrophic environmental. This corn and the companies pesticides used on it greatly damage health, food distribution, and entire societies.
THE AMERICAN DREAM Video Installation The wall build between Mexico and United States of North America goes beyond a physical barrier of control and censorship between these two countries, which not only affects Mexico but also has global repercussions. The wall is not a binational issue; the problem of the wall is a global problem and it is not just an aggression for Mexico, since this wall like many other walls, which have been and continue to be built, stand as a symbol of intolerance that fosters ignorance and fear and becomes a banner of the growing global trend of neo-nationalisms. Where hatred towards the other, towards the different, fragments societies and weakens social forces. This installation recreates a certain type of journey to achieve a dream, In this case, the American Dream, but it can be any dream, the German Dream, the European Dream, the Occidental Dream, etc. Becoming a perverse dream of exclusion, where only a few can access passing through a great system of control and censorship. The screen displays the slogan American Dream, while real-time graphics of illegal immigrants detained at the border between Mexico and the United States of America are shown on the screen.